slim pickings


slim pickings 的定义

  1. A small amount left after others have taken a share. For example, After each of the children took what they wanted of Mother's things, it was slim pickings for the rest of the family. This expression alludes to animals devouring a carcass. [Early 1600s]

slim pickings 近义词

slim pickings

等同于 dearth

slim pickings

等同于 few

slim pickings 的近义词 9
slim pickings 的反义词 2

更多slim pickings例句

  1. He was one of living symbols of “White Ribbon Revolution” of 2012, always in black, slim, shaved, almost a monk.
  2. Slim turned Bush down, and Lehman filed for bankruptcy in September 2008, just weeks before the presidential election.
  3. It was slim, about “fifty to sixty pages,” according to Bradlee, and mostly concerned with her paintings.
  4. For months, first term Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan has managed to cling to slim lead that has defied national factors.
  5. Stangneth probes his affairs in Argentina, including with Ingrid von Ihne, “tall, blond, and slim, with a cold beauty.”
  6. I pictured him as slim and young looking, smooth-faced, with golden curly hair, and big brown eyes.
  7. His boyish suspenders had been put away in favor of a belt, which was tight-drawn about his slim waist.
  8. One evening in the month of April, a slim, straight-backed girl stood in the veranda of a bungalow at Meerut.
  9. Bedded in the soft earth underneath lay the slim buckskin sacks.
  10. Outen the side door of the porch next me come a slim, little figger in white.